Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Write to me about your experiences with reading stories as a child. Did your parents read to you? What kinds of things did you read? Nursery rhymes? Adventure stories? Fairy tales? Bedtime stories? Did you have a favorite story when you were little? If you didn't read as a child, do you think that has affected you in any way? Do you have a favorite story now? Do you think it is important for children to be read to?

My favorite story growing up was The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. I dont know why i liked that book so much i just thought it was so great! The storie is about a little boy who found a tree and the tree is very nice to him The tree gives him his apples for him to eat then he gives him the wood from his trunk to go build a house and have a family. but in the end theboy does not get a family and the tree says
"I have nothing more to give you then a stump to sit on"
so the boy sits on the tree and stays with the tree for a long time.

I think it is inportant for children to be read to because. They can gain an understanding of grammer and helps them develop a sense of reading when they get older. I think that i am better reader now because i was read to a lot of stories when i was litle.

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