Wednesday, September 2, 2009

If you had one superpower, what would it be and why? (Hint: describe exactly what your power would be, why you would want that one, what you would use your power for, etc. Would you be good or evil? Would you use it just for fun or for a good cause?)

I would have the power to teleport! Because then if you play any sports you could just teleport everywhere on the feild! To teleport you would just have to either look at that place or remember that place in your mind.

I would use it for fun (and evil!) If i needed to go somewhere i would just teleport there and i would be so cool! I would never have to walk down stairs! Or get up to get the the remote. If i were running a race because you could just teleport to the end bwahahahaha! woot woot!

For evil i would rob banks becuse i would teleport into the bank vault and just carry the money with me! and then i would be rich!!

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